Friday, February 22, 2013

Blogging in the Classroom

There are many ways that I can incorporate blogging into my classroom. Since I teach first grade it is sometimes very difficult to integrate technology in a way that is appropriate for my students. I have realized that blogging is great for my students as well as their parents. Homework assignments could even be completed on a blog where parents can help their child to complete it. Parent involvement is something that I find very important to any students education. This is why creating some sort of discussion board or homework assignment through a blog would allow parents to assist their children. For parents I could post my important information and dates that they need to remember as well as newsletters or other papers that may be sent home that would allow them to access them online. For other teachers to benefit from my blog I could post ideas, pictures of activities or lessons that they could then adapt to their own classroom.

Here is a link to some good information about using blogs in the classroom:


  1. Be careful about what parents can and cannot see. I use blogs with my middle school students. Each student has their own log in with a parental code. The parent can log in with the code and see what their child has written but they are not allowed to see the other children's post because there is a rule about talking about other students with parents and because students use their names on blogs teachers have to be careful about what the parents do see.
    You are right though, in first grade you are limited to what you can do.

  2. Hi Ashleigh,
    As I read your blog posts I notice a lot of similarities between our views on blogs in the primary grade levels. I love the idea of using blogging as a tool to share with other teachers. I usually document my student projects and successful lessons in photographs. I would love to be able to share this with other teachers and parents. I can't believe how detailed some of these teachers get in their blogs. They even upload the documents and files that go with their lessons...crazy.

  3. Could you suggest a few blogs that are helpful to you?

  4. Sarah,
    I know I feel like we have a lot of similarities being primary teachers and how we can go about incorporating things such as blogging into our teaching.
