There are many ways that I can incorporate blogging into my
classroom. Since I teach first grade it is sometimes very difficult to
integrate technology in a way that is appropriate for my students. I have
realized that blogging is great for my students as well as their parents.
Homework assignments could even be completed on a blog where parents can help
their child to complete it. Parent involvement is something that I find very
important to any students education. This is why creating some sort of
discussion board or homework assignment through a blog would allow parents to
assist their children. For parents I could post my important information and
dates that they need to remember as well as newsletters or other papers that
may be sent home that would allow them to access them online. For other
teachers to benefit from my blog I could post ideas, pictures of activities or
lessons that they could then adapt to their own classroom.
Here is a link to some good information about using blogs in
the classroom: